BluebirdFX VINTAGE TATTOO INK PALETTE 4 colours, 32g / alkoholos paletta
Tetoválások imitálására szolgáló színekből összeállított alkohollal oldódó paletta. Kiválóan használható latex és szilikon applikációkon is. Színösszeállítás: Aged Yellow, Aged Red, Aged Blue, Aged Green
Designed to reproduce the look of period tattoos or for the 'under the skin' effect of ageing tatts.
Colours: (Aged Yellow, Aged Red, Aged Blue, Aged Green)
The Bluebird Ink Palettes are creamy with a lusciously rich colour. They have an amazing coverage and consistency. Palette colours are activated with a spray or dab of alcohol and have spectacular staying power.
The Bluebird Ink Palettes are perfect for covering tattoos and for creating effects such as scars and bruises. All can be used on silicon and latex.